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Arta 1.7.0

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    Arta 1.7.0

    Guten Abend,

    ARTA 1.7.0. ist raus
    Changes from version 1.6.1 are:
    - ASIO soundcard interface is implemented in ARTA, STEPS and LIMP programs.
    - New menu in Imp window: Record -> Signal Time Record opens transient recorder with added generator.
    - Generator in transient recorder generates sine burst and pulse signals.
    - Periodic square and triangle signals are added to ARTA generator.
    - Generator has new multitone signal (square + sine) for measuring TIM (DIM).
    - In Copy bitmap dialog, user defined text can be saved for next opening of the dialog.
    - Added more MLSSA files import types (impulse and transient response).
    - Directivity curves smoothing improved at highest frequency.
    - Microphone compensation applied only in the range that is defined in mic. fr. response.
    - Downsampling (menu Edit->Downsample in Imp window) enabled analysis of CSD in low freq. range.
    - Acoustical parameters now calculated only for available range of frequencies.
    - Better ISO3382 compatibility in the estimation of reverberation time and noise reduction.
    - Improved estimation of very small reverberation time.
    - Implemented Scaling of acoustical model response (menu 'Edit->Scale acoustical model' in Imp window).
    - New Imp menu command added (Edit->Truncate to [cursor, marker]).
    - Calibration procedure is now slightly simpler (calibrated output voltage is automatically entered as input voltage).
    - Overlay plotting is enabled in Step, Dft and IR Envelope windows.
    - Impedance curve overlay can be shown in FR magnitude plots of ARTA and STEPS.
    - Now all FR and spectrum graphs can have tick marks and denser grid (Menu Edit->Colors and grid style) .
    - Thick line option is enabled in all windows.
    - STEPS now optionally mutes transients after sine cut-off (but, measurement time larger 50%).
    Bugs solved:
    - Microphone calibration update is enabled from SPL & Octave band windows.
    - Mlssa export does not make normalization to 1.
    - Solved bug with MLS and other nonpower of 2 length IRs in IACC measurement.
    - STEPS now has correct frequency step in 1/48 octave mode.
    Note: After install over old version, please click on menu
    'Edit->Colors and grid style', then in dialog 'Graph Colors and Grid Setup'
    click on button 'Default'. Repeat this procedure also for white background.



    Danke für den Hinweis!


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      Installation und Inbetriebnahme einwandfrei und problemlos (unter Vista 32bit) .. M-Audio FireWire 1812 wird einwandfrei erkannt und auch angesteuert (Sampling-Frequenzen etc.)
      Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 20.12.2010, 23:19. Grund: Ergänzung

